Pharmaceutical Chemistry / Analysis

  • To prepare competent pharmaceutical analysts and researchers at various levels for India.
  • To prepare globally recognised pharmaceutical scientists.
  • To generate a novel molecule to fight against diabetes and its associated complications

Vision statement
  • To develop the centre to be a leader academic and analytical drug research for innovative interdisciplinary research and Pharmaceutical analysis

Mission statement
  • To provide exemplary Pharmaceutical analysis and Chemistry education
  • To promote discovery in the public interest and to provide service to professional and scientific communities
  • To impart training in advanced drug research

We will accomplish this mission statement by:
  • Educating M.Pharm and B.Pharm students and trainees to be leaders in their profession
  • Conducting exceptional basic, translational and health services research.
  • Advancing scientific discovery and the health care of patients through innovations in the technology of Analysis
  • Partnering with pharmaceutical industries and other health care communities to provide innovative experiential education and service.
  • Building a collaborative, diverse environment for students that values and rewards innovation, productivity and critical thinking.

  • Facilities

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